Core Drilling
Flat Sawing
Wall Sawing
Wire Sawing
Other Services
Core Drilling

Core drilling is the most recognizable form of concrete cutting. The most common application for core drilling is the removal of concrete for electrical conduit, mechanical systems, HVAC systems, and plumbing.
Concrete Coring Company of Central Kentucky is able to drill holes smaller than one inch to greater than 48 inches, with depths from six inches to unlimited.

Flat Sawing

The flat saw is often seen as the work horse in the concrete cutting industry. This tool is used for slab removal, road cutting, bridge deck removal, joint cutting, and almost any other sawing application on a slab.
Concrete Coring Company of Central Kentucky has a fleet of flat saws to fit any cutting application, location, and timeframe requirements. Cutting depth capability exceeds 24 inches.
Wall Sawing

Wall sawing is one of the most specialized forms of concrete cutting. With very deep cutting depths and the accuracy of rail-mounted operation, wall sawing can be used to cut out doorways, walls, slabs, and most any other opening.
Concrete Coring Company of Central Kentucky has a number of hydraulic and electric wall sawing options available to meet any application. Cutting depths can be as much as 24 inches from one side, with unlimited heights and widths.

Wire Sawing

Wire sawing provides fast cutting speed, unlimited cutting depth, no vibration, and limited noise. This method of sawing is ideal for cutting mass concrete, reinforced concrete, and sections of concrete too large for other methods.
Wire saws consist of a steel cable coated with diamond-tipped beads and a pulley system, which allows the cable to pull through the concrete, executing the cut with precision, no vibration, zero dust, or emissions. Concrete Coring Company of Central Kentucky has wire sawing options to meet any need.
Other Services
Chain Sawing
The chain saw is one of the newer developments within the concrete cutting industry. The concrete chain saw uses the same principal as its wood-cutting counterpart but utilizes diamond segments welded to a chain and water cooling for cutting. Concrete Coring Company of Central Kentucky has several different chainsaws to meet any customer’s needs.
Hydraulic-powered chainsaws offer the most torque and production. We also have gas-powered chainsaws that are more portable. The most common job for this tool is finishing corners on wall saw projects, eliminating the need for over-cutting. Concrete chainsaws are also useful for small wall openings where setting up a wall saw is not possible or cost effective.
Electric Slab Sawing
Electric slab saws allow for significant cutting depths, high-production sawing, and zero emissions. Concrete Coring Company of Central Kentucky has some of the most specialized electric slab saws available.
Specialized 400-Hz, water cooled, 25-horse power electric motors allow us to achieve significant cutting depths in very small saw, high production saws. The specialized saws and electrical sources allow us to reach over 500 feet into a facility with cutting depths up to 14 inches deep.
Grinding involves the use of a diamond abrasive disc powered by a gasoline or electric engine. The diamond abrasive disc is cooled by water which also eliminates the production of dust.
Grinding is often useful for smoothing concrete surfaces that have become rough through abuse, weather, or issues during pouring. Concrete Coring Company of Central Kentucky can smooth most concrete surfaces through grinding.
Ground Penetrating Radar
Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) provides a low-cost safeguard in locating obstructions beneath the surface through both 2-D and 3-D imaging.
In most cases it can pinpoint the exact location of rebar, pipes, post-tension cables, and other utility lines in real-time. GPR can also determine pavement layer thickness nondestructively with very little data post-processing.